
I just got some new brushes. They’re fancy and a little expensive, but I tried them out before committing to the purchase and I really like they way they handle and keep their shape. I paint almost exclusively with bristle filberts. The brushes I just got are 90% natural hog’s hair and 10% synthetic. Like I said — fancy.

But what is the real value of a brush? I mean, I’ve painted what I think is my best work with cheap bargain brushes that were flat (instead of the nice round filbert shape), splayed, etc. I’ve painted some of my worst with expensive high end brushes. So, why bother with the fancy stuff?

I think most artists will tell you that it’s got nothing to do with how expensive the brush is. It has to do with how the artist uses it. My cheap brushes are still in my rotation. For about 90% of what I paint, they’re fine. In fact, they’re great! It’s that last 10% where getting better spring and a true shape makes it just a little bit easier to get the effect I want. It doesn’t mean my paintings will improve with my new brushes, but my enjoyment of the process will.

Learning to enjoy the process regardless of the results is one of the secrets to success in just about anything.


Painting from photos


The Color Of Light