
Have you ever seen a movie about John F. Kennedy? Most people my age would say they have seen more than one. But there’s one in particular that stands out, and that’s J.F.K. by Oliver Stone.

I bring this up because even though there are many movies about Kennedy, this is not just a J.F.K. movie — it’s an Oliver Stone movie.

Oliver stone isn’t just a film maker, he’s an artist who makes films.

I don’t just want to be a painter, I want to be an artist who paints. Art is a life long endeavor.

So, what about craft? skill? These are the things I seem to occupy myself with the most. I want to paint “better”, which is completely subjective. It ties in with art though. If I scratch my own itch and I’m true to myself (instead of full of myself), then I’m creating art. In order to do that (to my own satisfaction) I need to develop my craft.

The only way to get better at painting is to paint, so I’ll keep painting.


What to paint


Alla Prima